Steps To Making Nutrition Simple, #4 Is The Easiest!


Something as fundamental as nutrition shouldn’t be complicated. People all over the world have to eat daily- and more than once, so it should be kept as simple as possible. With so many fad diets, supplements, and quick fixes, it can be overwhelming. Then there are internet searches that produce over 700k results about nutrition. It can make your head spin – what is right? What is best for me? What do I eat? How often do I need to eat? Should I fast? Do I need a cleanse? 

If you are considering something perceived to be a quick fix or a plan asking you to eliminate whole food groups, you probably shouldn’t be doing it unless prescribed by your doctor. It can be hard to remember that you didn’t attain your bad habits overnight and they won’t be fixed overnight either. Building new habits and making progress takes time, especially when you are trying to lose fat or overhaul your poor food choices. Don’t try to overcomplicate things!

Keep it simple by following these four steps:

  1. Eat balanced meals 5 times per day (that includes 2 snacks). Log your food to make sure it is balanced.

  2. Drink lots of water (80oz) and keep other beverages to a minimum

  3. Work with a nutrition coach or buddy to keep you accountable

  4. Take your Omegas-3s daily

Obviously, there are many other things you can do to support your nutrition, such as exercising at least three days a week, sleeping a minimum of 6+ hours, and finding ways to relieve stress. When it comes to your eating, don’t waste time convincing yourself that it’s hard or you can’t do it. Keep your plate clean and your mindset simple. It’s just something necessary that you have to do daily, and it can be done in 4 easy steps.


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