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Go from F-it to Crush It With Personal Training in Glen Cove

Go from F-it to Crush It With Personal Training in Glen Cove

I’m going to toss a dart at the wall and take a guess…

You’re probably one of those caught in the hustle and bustle of this time of year.

  • you’ve got holiday parties coming out the wazoo
  • your kids’ activities are busier than they’ve been all year
  • the kids are delivering their Santa list by Powerpoint
  • you’re readying your house for incoming family and visitors
  • and you’re caught up in a host of other things

These next few weeks are what I call the “F-It” weeks – pardon my language.

What begins as a new week ahead, it’s much easier for people to throw a year’s worth of progress down the drain in only a couple weeks of recklessness.

  • Buy the Christmas dessert, because “F-it”
  • Pour yourself a drink every evening, because “F-it”
  • Skip your workouts this week, because “F-it”
  • Buy the sugary Starbucks Christmas drink every morning, because “F-it”
  • Wait until January to get back on track, because “F-it”

January of this year seems so far away. So do all the best intentions you set out with, don’t they?

While you moan and groan as you get out of your chairs all December, it’s much easier to throw your hands up in the air and let it all go.

It’s easier to make the assumption you’ll get back on track in January.

When you lose all momentum you worked so hard to gain through the beginning of the year, then the darkness of the early nights, the sugar, and the festivities make it so much easier to just say, “F-it.”

We don’t observe the “F-it” season in my house, and I strongly encourage you not to either.

Here’s how we do it:

  • Go buy groceries that will keep you using moderately-good eating habits for the upcoming weeks.
  • Get back to your workouts today.

and the most important one:

  • Save the holiday for the day, and keep the weeks normal.

That last point is everything.

If you’re stuck in this “F-it” rut, book a free intro with my team here. Let’s brainstorm easy ways to point your shoulders in the right direction.

people working out in a group fitness class

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