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Holiday Workout Plan

The holidays are here. Thanksgiving is just a few days away and before we know it, Christmas will be here. The kids are out of school for part of this week, there’s shopping to be done, fellowship with friends and family. Let’s face it, there might not be much time to go to a class or workout. But because of that limited time doesn’t mean we should stop working out. Let’s revise those workouts and keep them quick, efficient, and simple.

Here are five workouts you can do from home this week that will help you stay active, burn calories, and have fun!

For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of each exercise
Air squat
Push up
Notes: 10 Air Squats then 10 Pushups then 10 Situps then 9 Air Squats then 9 Pushups then 9 Situps etc. If you’re unable to do a push up from the ground, making it an incline push up from a bench or box.

12-minute AMRAP
20 Reverse Lunges (10 Each Leg)
30-second plank hold on elbows
20 Mountain Climbers
30-second plank hold on elbows
Notes: If you’re unable to do a lunge because of pain please contact us. Break up the plank hold as needed to accumulate 30 seconds.

For Time:
Notes: This should be short, fast, and intense. But hard! 🙂

For Time:
100 Jumping Jacks
75 air squats
50 push-ups
25 burpees
Notes: Use a bench or box if unable to do a pushup from the ground. Or do a Hand Release Pushup.

For max reps:
Alternating Lunges
Pushup Shoulder Taps
Notes: 4 minutes each exercise – 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds
8 rounds of air squats, then 8 rounds of push-up shoulder taps, then 8 rounds of sit-ups. The total workout should be 12 minutes. Keep track of total reps.

Click HERE to book your Free Intro Appointment and get started.

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