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Why Keeping It Simple, Not Easy, Is the Key to Success — Part 2

Why Keeping It Simple, Not Easy, Is the Key to Success — Part 2

In Part 1, we discussed how easy it is to mix up the concepts of “simple” and “easy.” But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about simplicity. If you keep things simple without a good dose of self-awareness, it can lead to complacency and frustration when you don’t see the results you’re after.

That’s why the second principle of “keep it simple, but not easy” is crucial.

2. Challenge Yourself Regularly

The “not easy” part means actively seeking out challenges that promote personal growth, improvement, and intensity. Simplicity should never turn into coasting or avoiding the hard work required to see real progress.

A key insight shared by top coaches and fitness experts is that a simple, well-designed workout program often creates the perfect environment for pushing your limits. Simplicity in your workouts—like focusing on 1-4 full-body movements for 10-20 minutes—allows you to maximize effort and achieve significant results in a short amount of time.

But remember, this isn’t a call to go all-out every single time. Not every workout needs to be at 100% intensity. The idea is to recognize the unique opportunities each workout presents to challenge yourself in different ways.

Here’s how that might look:

  • Feeling confident with the exercises? Go all out and push your limits.
  • Stressed, pressed for time, or traveling? Show up anyway, even if it’s just with a quick bodyweight session.
  • Low on energy or sleep-deprived? Just checking the box and dialing back the intensity might be all you can manage, but it still counts. It’s about consistency.
  • Struggling to slow down or skip a workout? Growth can sometimes mean taking a rest day or doing something restorative like a walk outside.

The “simple but not easy” mindset is about being willing to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Life will inevitably throw challenges your way—injuries, illnesses, or times when you need to focus on recovery. But by adopting the “simple but not easy” mindset, you’ll be better prepared to handle these obstacles.

What Does SIMPLE, NOT EASY Look Like in Practice?

  • Waking up at 530 am to work out, especially on cold, dark mornings.
  • Taking just 10 minutes to make a healthy breakfast during busy mornings.
  • Sticking to your workout routine, even during vacations or hectic periods.
  • Avoiding sugary snacks at home when you know they’re your weakness.
  • Brewing a cup of herbal tea instead of pouring a glass of wine as you reduce alcohol intake.
  • Dedicating an hour on the weekend to meal prep, even when you’d rather relax.
  • Finding an accountability partner and being honest about your goals.
  • Silencing negative self-talk.
  • Choosing a walk over scrolling through social media to unwind.
  • Remembering that healthy meals don’t have to be complicated to be delicious.
  • Letting go of the “all or nothing” mentality and moving on from slip-ups without derailing your entire day.

By consistently choosing small, simple challenges, you’ll start to see real results. As these challenges become easier, it’s time to seek out the next one.

Our Challenge to You

Keep it Simple, Not Easy. Make consistency your foundation and then push yourself to grow in every aspect of your life. Regularly ask yourself: “Am I choosing something simple today that will challenge me and help me grow?”

It really is that simple—and that powerful.


P.S. Here are 3 ways we can help:

  1. Book a free no sweat intro here to come into the gym so we can talk more about you and your goals.
  2. Join our free Facebook Group Strength & Nutrition For Busy Adults here.
  3. Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite streaming platform: Apple Spotify Amazon
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