Finding Some ME Time


Finding some ME time.

One of the biggest things I hear about reasons people leave our gym or do not join is “I don’t have time” or “I’m too busy.” Hey, I get it. Things pop up and distract you and occupy your time. But what if we could create time for ourselves every week. Uninterrupted me time. Successful people live very stressful and hectic lives, but ask many top CEO’s they make sure they can have time for themselves. Most of them prefer working out, or some other hobby that doesn’t require them to think at the level they do during their work hours.

I think this is very critical to our quality of life. If you are working too hard and you don’t spend time socializing, your successes aren’t going to make you happy. The goal of our facility is to create the happiest hour of your day. You are able to come in for a class, listen to the coach guide you through a workout, turn your brain off, and genuinely have fun with other like-minded people all while improving your health. For me, that is my ME time. I workout for one hour 5 days per week and that is my hour I get to myself each day that puts me in a positive mindset to continue throughout my crazy, hectic life.

Finding time is hard, but here are 3 things that have helped me “gain” more hours in the week.

1. Go to bed/wake up earlier
Now, this seems boring because who wants to go to bed at 10 PM and wake up at 5 AM every day, but it is a great way to get more me time. At the beginning of the day, you haven’t had the days work and problems pile on yet. If you wake up a little earlier for your me time, you are guaranteed to get it every day. Also, having that relaxing time to yourself early in the morning puts you in a positive mindset for the rest of the day. If you wait until after work to workout, for example, you never know what will pop up that will get in the way. The boss could put a deadline on you, the dog may be sick, you may need to pick the kids up from school unexpectedly. So much can happen at the end of the day to deter you from your time to yourself.

2. Block your time
One of the ways I am able to accomplish all of my necessary tasks is to block my time (and post it reminders). This means that every hour of my day is accounted for. I wake up at 6:30 and I give myself until 7 am to drink coffee and browse social media. 7am-8am I answer emails and brainstorm different ideas and questions that need to get answered. The rest of my day is scheduled like that down to hanging out with my wife, walking my dog, and even watching Netflix or Sports (right now I’m watching Bloodline and it is AWESOME!). While that block is going on, I do nothing else. If I have 30 minutes for social media, I will only focus my attention on that task. This allows me to not become distracted and it allows me to have set parameters of when things are to be accomplished. During my workout time, I don’t focus on anything else. I give myself 1 hour every day to workout and I will take full advantage of that time. Since moving to this block scheduling method, I have become MUCH more productive and it has eliminated the distractions of social media that can take you down a rabbit hole of 1-2 hours lost each day.

3. Make yourself a priority
This is the most important. A lot of times we are focussed on all the other tasks that life hands us but forget about ourselves. Stay healthy, stay active, eat good, and you will most certainly be more productive. Taking one hour a day to recharge yourself will make the rest of your day so much more productive. You will sleep better, you will have less stress, you will have more energy, and in turn, you will live a happier healthier life.

Make sure you take some time to yourself each day. My goal is to see people at least 3 days per week which is 3 hours out of 168 hours each week. 1.8% of your time each week. This isn’t for me, it is so I can help you de-stress, turn your brain off, and add years to your life. I want you to be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors for many years to come, rather than be run down and try to catch back up when it is too late.

Stay happy, stay healthy!


people working out in a group fitness class

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