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Now is the perfect time to make quick progress towards your goals with a Personal Trainer!

We’re in the hustle and bustle of the crazy holiday season and the new year is coming up fast. Are you going to fall victim to it?

Before we move into the holidays, let me ask you: Did you achieve that beach body you were working so hard for?

If yes, that’s great!! I’m glad you achieved your goal. Don’t stop now!

Let me take it one step further: Did you maintain that beach body all summer and through October? Do you see yourself maintaining it over the course of the next 30 days?

Achieving a goal is extremely difficult, and cannot be done without consistency, dedication, and perseverance.

But, maintaining it is even more difficult!

That’s where personal training in Glen Cove comes in!

Personal Training is the perfect mixture of motivation, flexibility, and accountability to help you achieve, and more importantly, maintain any goal!

Working 1-on-1 with a Personal Trainer helps you remain committed to your goals, even when you might not see any progress!

It’s the trainer’s job to provide you results every single day. It’s your job to show up, have fun, and work hard.

Fall usually means that there are more parties, holidays, gatherings, tailgates, and events on your calendar that can disrupt your workout routine.

Short on time during the week? Perfect!

Losing motivation because the sun is starting to set at 5pm? Great!

Traveling out of town three weekends in the next two months? No problem!

Personal Training is the proactive approach to your challenges.

Personal Training benefits include:
Maximizing every workout, so you accomplish more in less time.

Setting a schedule with your trainer and being held accountable to your workout times.

Planning ahead for events and travel to make sure you are prepared, and pick right back up where you left off when you return!

When you have a full calendar and schedule, you need an anchor.

Have you ever thought about Personal Training as that anchor in your schedule?

When you workout, you will sleep more, eat better, and continue to be on a set schedule even when holiday parties start up.

But don’t just take my word for it!

Read about what Anthony has to say about his Personal Training Experience!

personal training image
Personal Training Glen Cove

“Being 48 and never spending time in a gym had me a little apprehensive about joining, but that quickly faded 5 minutes into my first personal training session. Five weeks in and I can’t wait to get to One Life on my workout days! The trainers are all professional, knowledgeable and fun. In 5 weeks, I’m 20 pounds down, my energy is through the roof, my flexibility is returning and I feel amazing!”

If you want to get fit this winter and in the new year then your time is now!

Less than 30 days until 2023!

Personal Training is the #1 way to get fit now.

To take the first step, CLICK HERE to book a free no sweat intro consultation with one of our professional coaches to build your workout plan. 

I’ll see you in the gym!


people working out in a group fitness class

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